Thursday, November 25, 2010

Wei babi . HAHAHA

Okay before i said anything in this,
i just want to apologize for my words in here.
If you consider yourself




or simply


Please i beg you walk away from this blog right this instant.
Okay to start things off.
My mum sent my this email which contain this
forum website . Im not gonna reveal the website to you
because doing that simple makes me a dick

So theres a picture in this forum about this instant noodle,
Its just a regular instant noodles made from Taiwan
In the lebel there is something that says


And then ada la comment comment di situ oleh a few shallow
minded people .
Im not gonna reveal their name because its not
nice to talk bad things about people :P

Anyway , comment commentnya adalah seperti berikut

'Ini HARAM! Patut bakar pembuat maggi ni!'
'Ini semua tindakan daripada orang kafir untuk melalaikan orang islam dengan
memakan babi!'
'Kafir lakhanat mcm ni jangan maafkan !'
'Kita harus memboikot company ini. Jangan mempercayai semua dusta ini'
'Orang kafir patut dibakar hidup hidup ! sial !'

and many others topic yang menunjukkan kehebatan mereka.

Okay why am i writing this ?
Read the label correctly before you start to Judge things.

'serve BETTER with pork crackling'

Okay one more time,

'serve BETTER with pork crackling'

It means the pork crackling is optional and its not in the noodle.
Anyway , tak penting pun semua ni .
Just nak tunjuk betapa orang Melayu cam ni TAK MATANG langsung.
Ini lah melayu . Melayu hebat ! fuyoo.
Ni negara kami ,kafir lakhanat semua patut dibakar !
Woooaahhh , hebat sial kau .
Im sick and tired of manusia camni .
Selalu igt dalam dunia ni dia sorang je betul orang lain salah.
Weh bawak pegi kubur kau la dengan negara KAU yang hebat sangat tu.

Orang orang yang kau panggil LAKHANAT tu pun pandai respect kita
tapi apa yang kita balas ?

Kau tau tak orang roman catholic penah binakan kita surau
dekat italy , america , parsi and many different place .
Penah kau amek tau ? aku rasa tak .
Bangga sangat mengelar diri islam . Kau melayan orang camtu ada
dalam rukun islam ke ?
I believe that god would have wanted us to respect others .
I dont think allah would like us if we burn all the people who is not muslim.
Jangan salah paham , this blog only goes for a certain people that
take the beuty of our religion for granted .

WOAH , MALAYU kan hebat ;)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Deryk, Im Gay

Holla Sum 41 :)

I love listening to their music . makes me think about
the earlier days spending to listening music.
I first song i heard that got me hooked to acoustical musics was
'Pieces' by Sum 41 .

Good bands are hard to find nowadays .
I mean come on , Justin Bibier ? Far East Movement ?
What are those THINGS ?
No offense to those musician but i honestly think what
they are producing is not music in the first place .

Where are the bands ?
Where goes the good song writers ?
Have you listen to 'Good Charlotte' recently?
Omg what have gotten to them ? Did they hit their head or something?
Today , every song is about neither sex , money or clubs.
I dont want those craps man .


Monday, November 15, 2010

A story is a story when you have something to tell

Case I

A mother of 6 from bandung indonesia move to Kuala Lumpur to find
better earning for her children's educations .
There she work as a house maid to a family of 5 .
One day when she was cleaning the messed up racks
she founded and stole a handphone belong to one of the daughters.
The family found out about the missing item and claimed her as the thief .

Case II

A 17 year old Chinese girl goes to school and took the big exam in her school
only to found out that she has failed badly
With only a screwed family and a dying brother waiting for her at home,
She turned into a wrong a place and met a wrong person in a wrong night.
Founding out that there are still chances to cure her brother's sickness
She agreed to work with the guy as a secretary in a world renounce company
She never knew that what that the job to be call as a 'Porn Actor'

Case III

A son of an Army man came to home and waited for his turn to be
beaten by his drunk so called 'father' .
A friend came to his arm and told him that he founded
something that could throw all the agony away .
In a few month , he is known as the 'junky' in the neighbourhood
or also known as 'Sampah Masyarakat'
He drop out of school and live with his few bestfriends
in Petaling's Street .

Case IV

Aini was a school girl who have problems with her grade since day one .
Her teacher at the time offers to help her with homeworks and exercises .
She was willing to study to pleased her big profile family as she was their
only daughter in the pack . The parents clearly have big expectation on
her to graduate successfully.
She was also willing to come by his home in serendah once
daily so that she could get all the help she could get before her exam.

When her exam is close and she still couldn't figure out what
to do about her grades ,
The honorable teacher refuses to work it out with her unless she is
willing to 'Work' for his help .
A little that Aini knew , shes now a 'Sex Slave' for the man.
The family were thrilled with her wonderful results and they
even given her a coop(car) .
One of the neighbour had told the parents bout how she 'Spend'
her free time in a dislocated house in serendah .
The family took it as a shame to them and threw her out of the house .

The Story

The stories above are all true but the names and places are conducted .
We humans are so easily mistake the terms of whats right and what is wrong.
Be thankful of the life given to you as the pattern of life is never
offered for a second chance in life itself.

Never judge a book by its cover . In every actions there are reactions
and in every mistakes there are also motives .
Motives that we human cant study by our life itself .
There are reasons why we have mislead behavior
and that is something to forgive and forget .
Im not saying we shouldn't punish em and just let em as they be .

What im saying is sometimes in life , shit happens you know ?
We just have to find a way to deal with it and move on .

Forgive not to regret but to help .

Toodles ;)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Kawan Je. hahaha

Hey, what did you think I'd say?
You're everything that I ever wanted
And this kind of thing doesn't just come around
Every time you go looking for it

I don't wanna be just friends, no
I'll never fake it or pretend
And I don't want another girl
Cause, you're the only one that I love

I don't wanna be just friends
That's something I can't understand
I don't wanna be just friends
Not now, not ever

Those two words are bullets in my chest
"just friends"

Hey what did you think I'd do?
It felt so good waking up beside you
And the way you kiss, so delicate
Doesn't come around and I'm always gonna miss it

I don't wanna be just friends, no
I'll never fake it or pretend
And I don't want another girl
Cause, you're the only one that I love

I don't wanna be just friends
That's something I can't understand
I don't wanna be just friends
Not now, not ever

Those two words are bullets in my chest
"just friends"
Those two words are bullets in my chest

And it's never gonna be the same again

Happy supposed to be our anniversary sayang ;)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Im Not Some Boy That You Can Sway

Heres some tune for you guys to chill to :)

I just want to be ok, be ok, be ok
I just want to be ok today
I just want to be ok, be ok, be ok
I just want to be ok today

I just want to feel today, feel today, feel today
I just want to feel something today
I just want to feel today, feel today, feel today
I just want to feel something today

Open me up and you will see
I’m a gallery of broken hearts
I’m beyond repair, let me be
And give me back my broken parts

I just want to know today, know today, know today
I just want to know something today
I just want to know today, know today, know today
Know that maybe I will be ok

Open me up and you will see
I’m a gallery of broken hearts
I’m beyond repair, let me be
And give me back my broken parts

Just give me back my pieces
Just give them back to me please
Just give me back my pieces
And let me hold my broken parts

I just want to be ok, be ok, be ok
I just want to be ok today
I just want to be ok, be ok, be ok
I just want to be ok today

I just want to feel today, feel today, feel today
I just want to feel something today
I just want to know today, know today, know today
Know that maybe I will be ok
Know that maybe I will be ok
Know that maybe I will be ok

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ohio Stylee

In one of the episode in 'How I Met Your Mother' after Ted Mosby was left at the alter
by his fiancee on his wedding day.

He was afraid to confront his ex and trying to avoid from his ex
who lives in the same city .

When his friends ask what have gotten to him and that
he should confront the girl .

He said to his friends.
'Guys Im from Ohio , we dont confront our problems in Ohio . we buried them deep enough
in our self so that we dont have to face the problem'

Nice piece of advice Ted :)

You know yourself that i cant sleep

Im here to talk about the Capital Vices
or also known as the 7 deathly sin








Temptation,envy,unemotional,anger,greed,ego, and over indulgence
The sins that im sick and tired of . If you think you like me , think again.
Im not a good person. I am not clean from mortal sins .
Its time to be better and test myself .Apparently this is the perfect time to do so

Toodles ;0

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


hahaha this is by far the best quotation i ever heard from my friend

'The Only Reason That You're A Fuck Is Yourself . Do Realize it'

By Ali Aliasri

Toodles :)

Your Name Is Pronounce Crap

So here what happens .
Around 230 at the entrance of selayang mall,
I saw Raja at the bus stand and go up to him . there we met our friend Anas .
Then when we were talking i saw this figure of a few school girl in their uniform
at the bus stop and i notice they were laughing .

One of them who i knew gave me the 'you're a bastard' face yeah know?
When i realize that i told Raja
'Weh cuba kau tgok **** kat belakang aku'
Raja pun cakap
'Aah aku pun prasan , dari tadi dia pandang tak puas hati kat kau'

So not only this girl is annoying , apparently she is also stupid for being honest.
Wassup bitch ? Never seen a man at the bus stop before ?
Your parents never told you not to stare at people ?
Girl you know that is not polite .
Yeah thats the thing , your parents 'kampung' macam kau.

What ? what ? did i do anything to you ?
Did I hurt you in any way ? what is it ?
Am i that ugly because you're staring for quite some time.