i just want to apologize for my words in here.
If you consider yourself
or simply
Please i beg you walk away from this blog right this instant.
Okay to start things off.
My mum sent my this email which contain this
forum website . Im not gonna reveal the website to you
because doing that simple makes me a dick
So theres a picture in this forum about this instant noodle,
Its just a regular instant noodles made from Taiwan
In the lebel there is something that says
And then ada la comment comment di situ oleh a few shallow
minded people .
Im not gonna reveal their name because its not
nice to talk bad things about people :P
Anyway , comment commentnya adalah seperti berikut
'Ini HARAM! Patut bakar pembuat maggi ni!'
'Ini semua tindakan daripada orang kafir untuk melalaikan orang islam dengan
memakan babi!'
'Kafir lakhanat mcm ni jangan maafkan !'
'Kita harus memboikot company ini. Jangan mempercayai semua dusta ini'
'Orang kafir patut dibakar hidup hidup ! sial !'
and many others topic yang menunjukkan kehebatan mereka.
Okay why am i writing this ?
Read the label correctly before you start to Judge things.
'serve BETTER with pork crackling'
Okay one more time,
'serve BETTER with pork crackling'
It means the pork crackling is optional and its not in the noodle.
Anyway , tak penting pun semua ni .
Just nak tunjuk betapa orang Melayu cam ni TAK MATANG langsung.
Ini lah melayu . Melayu hebat ! fuyoo.
Ni negara kami ,kafir lakhanat semua patut dibakar !
Woooaahhh , hebat sial kau .
Im sick and tired of manusia camni .
Selalu igt dalam dunia ni dia sorang je betul orang lain salah.
Weh bawak pegi kubur kau la dengan negara KAU yang hebat sangat tu.
Orang orang yang kau panggil LAKHANAT tu pun pandai respect kita
tapi apa yang kita balas ?
Kau tau tak orang roman catholic penah binakan kita surau
dekat italy , america , parsi and many different place .
Penah kau amek tau ? aku rasa tak .
Bangga sangat mengelar diri islam . Kau melayan orang camtu ada
dalam rukun islam ke ?
I believe that god would have wanted us to respect others .
I dont think allah would like us if we burn all the people who is not muslim.
Jangan salah paham , this blog only goes for a certain people that
take the beuty of our religion for granted .
WOAH , MALAYU kan hebat ;)