Ada orang tu merajuk kan tak tulis blog pasal dia .
So ni la for you and only Siti Amira'h' Dzulkifli. jgn lupa 'h' tu penting weh . haha
Hmm Miraa ! Banyak sangat la nak tulis pasal u .
Nak mencarut boleh tak makcik ? HAHA
hm , Mira . kenal dia when i was in form 3 .
She was my girlfriend a few times during my form 4 years .
Once this year . Shuhhh , rahsia kita kan Mira ? HAHA
Shes the coldest bitch i ever met and sometimes the nicest .
Gotta give credit to the lady you know .
She really change me a lot . Again people , A LOT .
Contoh contoh dia takpayah tau la tu maruah aku kot . haha
Sadly , I admit that she gave me the greatest impact in my life.
Its not easy for a little girl to do such thing to me .
So yeah , be proud Mira . But jgn over . taknak cakap ngn u da nnti .
Hee , i still remember the day where 'Kejadian Aus' berlaku.
One of the sweetest day for me la Mira . HAHAHAHA :P
Kepada pembaca , kalau tak paham tu memang normal . heee
And first time jumpa dia . woah takyah cita la . dia ngn Copek that time.
Fell in love tgok mata HIJAU dia . hahaha .
Banyak la sejarah ngn Mira . Kalau explain satu satu memang tak abes kot.
Mira , I love you . I still do . but da tak macam dulu da . sedih kan ?
I tau u sedih kehilangan kasih sayang ex u yg serba comel ni .
Aww , jgn ah menangis . HAHA .
I will forever love you . That is a sure my dear froggy .
Good luck with your life . Kalau nak cari peganti i tu make sure hensem2 au .
Aku taknak muka seleberr macam kau punya tutttt tu . HAHAHA .
And if u need any pertolongan to hold your hands nak lintas jalan.
Im here for you k katak ? HAHA
Toodless :)
So ni la for you and only Siti Amira'h' Dzulkifli. jgn lupa 'h' tu penting weh . haha
Hmm Miraa ! Banyak sangat la nak tulis pasal u .
Nak mencarut boleh tak makcik ? HAHA
hm , Mira . kenal dia when i was in form 3 .
She was my girlfriend a few times during my form 4 years .
Once this year . Shuhhh , rahsia kita kan Mira ? HAHA
Shes the coldest bitch i ever met and sometimes the nicest .
Gotta give credit to the lady you know .
She really change me a lot . Again people , A LOT .
Contoh contoh dia takpayah tau la tu maruah aku kot . haha
Sadly , I admit that she gave me the greatest impact in my life.
Its not easy for a little girl to do such thing to me .
So yeah , be proud Mira . But jgn over . taknak cakap ngn u da nnti .
Hee , i still remember the day where 'Kejadian Aus' berlaku.
One of the sweetest day for me la Mira . HAHAHAHA :P
Kepada pembaca , kalau tak paham tu memang normal . heee
And first time jumpa dia . woah takyah cita la . dia ngn Copek that time.
Fell in love tgok mata HIJAU dia . hahaha .
Banyak la sejarah ngn Mira . Kalau explain satu satu memang tak abes kot.
Mira , I love you . I still do . but da tak macam dulu da . sedih kan ?
I tau u sedih kehilangan kasih sayang ex u yg serba comel ni .
Aww , jgn ah menangis . HAHA .
I will forever love you . That is a sure my dear froggy .
Good luck with your life . Kalau nak cari peganti i tu make sure hensem2 au .
Aku taknak muka seleberr macam kau punya tutttt tu . HAHAHA .
And if u need any pertolongan to hold your hands nak lintas jalan.
Im here for you k katak ? HAHA
Toodless :)
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