Friday, December 24, 2010

Lipas Bergaduh

I love my girlfriend.

I love how she makes me feel when im around her.

I love how i try to look like everything is okay even when my head is in a mess
so that i wouldn't w
orry her.

I love the way that i have to tease on her appeal
so that she wont find out shes a knockout even when im around her.

I love how I can be so mad and wanted to rip my head off at times and
and miss her a second after that

I love how she talks about me .
She makes me sound like im no one just how i like it to be
because i want to be the only guy in her life who really knows who she really is .

I love thinking about her and i still
cant figure out what her favorite meal is.

I love when she talks about how our life is going to be .
She sounded like we're gonna last forever and im really looking f
orward to that

I love how she dont get my jokes because
i can repeat the same joke over and over again
so that by the time that knew about it
I'll be the one whose laughing with her.

I love how im at work and all that i can think of is
how her day is doing her.

I love how she tells people how horrible i am to her friend when she's pissed off at me
so that i can prove to them that
im the guy who deserves to have her at the end of the day .

I also love when she blog about me whether she's happy with me or the other way
so that i know what is going on and the outcome of our relationship.

I love declaring what we are having is a relationship .
Pumps me up everytime when it came to my mind.

I love when my friends ask how's my girlfriend
i'll just say 'same old same old' so that
no one can know how brilliant our relationship is.