Saturday, February 27, 2010

Mirin Sayang Mama

Attention people!

Ni mak saya . Bodohnya , shes not ok .
Nama dia Afiqah Latif tapi nama glamour dia Pka Lyra .
Dont blame me man . Im not the one who gave the OH SO CUTE Nickname :P

Pka pka pka , where to start ?
Macam macam la dia ni . GILA , COMEL , GEDIK , MENGADA . eh jap sama la tu ngok :P
Cara kita kenal takyah bagitau la k ?
Buat semak blog je nnti . Agak lama la kenal pka .
First chat kat ms time form2 .
First talked to her time form 4 i think .

Pka datang datang kat aku then tanye soalan paling sweet di dunia ni Ya allah .
'Hey , kau sapa ?'

Sakit hati tak kalau korang dapat greeting mcm ni ?
Oleh sebab Mirin ni baik so Mirin endahkan sahaja la .

Then ada one time where gambar diatas was taken .
It was awal tahun gak kot . Cant recall.
Pka promise nak buat lyrics for my song .
So aku datang la lepak lepak kat padang dekat rumah dia .
Plan nak buat lagu . Last last duk borak tak igt dunia.
Oh wait kitorang ada buat lagu gak .
Ni lyric dia . Nak nak ?

Wahai pokok
Aku dan Mirin
Lepak main gitar
Kau adalah hati ku .
Aku mesti berhati hati .

Apa lagi tah lyric merepek dia buat . Aku da lupa da.
Take note , lyric ni spontan ok .

Banyak la gak history ngn Lai-ah ni .
Pka ni aku suka dia kalau phonecall .
Memang best phone call ngn dia .
Ada je topic kitorang pasal bikini ada , dadah ada , gossip ada ,
pasal spender sapa lagi wangi pun ada kot . HAHAHA

Tapi kalau text ngn dia aku tak suka .
Aku da la tak suka balas panjang panjang . dia pun tak suka .
so masing masing jadi cowboy la .

Ohh Pka , you rock !
I mean it . Kalau people cakap you're getting boring or anythng .
Those people clearly dont know u like i do .
Seriously .

You're a really good friend Pka .
I know you'll be there whenever i need someone .
There are like only two or three people who knows about my pastlife secrets..
And you're one of them . So be proud my sister . you really should :)
Oh i almost forgot . If you think you're protecting me from him.
DONT . im a big boy. I can take care of myself la mama.
Besides , whts the worst he can do to me ? Cehhh :P

Back to the story ..
What do you get out of all that trouble Pka ?
You never ask anything from me kan ?
Thts why im confident we'll be bestie forever :)

Your bastard Son ,


  1. 1) Time I jumpa you, I cakap mcm ni

    (pointed a finger at you in front of him)
    : Wey, kita kenal kan?

    2) Since when cakap about underwear siapa lagi wangi?

    3) Lyrics lagu spontaneous tu mcm ni

    "Jangan la kita bersandiwara
    Baring di bawah pokok ini
    Kita haruslah berhati-hati"?

    4) Be proud my sister? What the hell am I to you, dude?

    5) That's me, Mirin. I prefer giving rather than receiving. Too bad, some people can't see that and push me away, even the ones I once cared the most.

    6) Last for not least, I do rock despite my cute appearance. Thank you (:

  2. ada la . i ckp spender lagi wangi u cakap u punya lagi wangi , pastu i cakap hafiz punya lagi wangi .HAHA
