Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Distracted By Your Silly Statement

2nd March 2010.

Nothing intresting .
Bangun pagi mama kejut . mandi . makan . pegi skolah .
Ohh lupa nak mention , motor yg tunggu sekian lama tu da dapat.
But my bro , alahai paham paham je la prangai OG tu .
Kedekut nak mampus . tape la bang . kau bwk je la motor tu ke kubur .
Anyway , back to the story . Arini masuk school agak lambat .
740 i think ? Oleh disebabkan Mirin ni friendly dan peramah(kata kata wanie)
Pengawas pun kamcing la ngn Mirin . Pengawas bagi aku free-pass .
Ceh , mcm skola tu nak pegi tgok concert jeee .

First period was English . Masuk class terus dia ditegur oleh Puan Ezlyn .
'Amirin! You finally found your way to the class . Congratulation!' grrr
Yeah Teacher , i told you im gonna cut the crap this year and I will :)

After English was Pendidikan Jasmani .
Mr Renga cakap kena pegi buat Eye test .
But all of us pegi curi curi main bolaaa .
My team was me , Acab , Aizat , Faiz and Syahmir .
Lawan the other team Vinoth , Mamba , Prem , Navien and Muresh .
Rooban nak main tapi tak boleh sebab da cukup orang . alahai kesian rooban :P
Mamba score dua goal bhai . Of all the people .
We lost the match 2-0 but it was a good game you can say :)

After the bell rang all of us rush back to chemistry .
Wouldn't want to keep Puan Chaeng Waiting .
Mengamuk Brock Lesnar tu satu class susah karang . haha .
Masuk masuk kena marah sebab kitorang tak dapat her homework .
How the hell is that our fault ??

Anyway 20 minutes of chemistry and we were called to the Bilik Tayangan .
We were given a talk about Career In Science .
Me And Vinoth were both facinated by the Quantity Surveying Course .
Besides , if you're looking for that dollar sign . This is the career u should pursue :P
Anyway kami masih muda la to be thinking about all this.
All i know , that i want to do my A-Level after my spm and study oversea :)
Well , kalau jadi move to New Zealand i'll just continue my studies there .
Entahh lah . We'll see how things works out nnti .

Lepas the speech , rehat .
Rehat mcm biasa . Lepas rehat was Agama Islam .
Ustazah tak datang so merantau la kami satu sekolah tu .
Ooh btw , got my Sijil Pmr Already . Idk why im excited bout it but it looks cool :P
Blah blah blah , sekolah habis . Lepak kat kantin ngn navien jap main guitar .
Balik ngn Rooban and Dharman naik cab .
Smpai rumah online sekejap , mandi then bersiap siap .
Igt nak pegi tusyen da . Then , KEMALASAN datang .
Call Raja ajak pegi makan kat Penang Express while Ponteng class Addmaths .
Raja hantar pegi tusyen went for Bio class and duduk sebelah Aloy .

Balik abang pick me up dgn Motor baru dia ( poyo lebih )
Singgah Zaafar beli WL thenn balik .
Then tido sampai kul 1040 . then bangun makan . Smoke jap .
Then online tulis blog .

Oh God Finally , Toodles !

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