Monday, March 22, 2010


Please stop being a retard ? Please ?

Dude , im begging you man please..
Pretty please ?

Okay , its clearly not working.
You're still a bloody retard .

Weh lancau , kalau kau anggap kau tu kawan aku la en.
Okay takpayah la susah sgt kau nak paham dgn that thick head of yours.
If you even take me as your friend once .
Kalau ada benda tak puas hati , say it to my fat face will yeah ?
Babitkan diri aku sorang . tak payah nak babit kan orang lain tau .

Dude , hal kecik laaa . Come on la .
Kalau taknak kawan ngn aku tu okay la nak buat cam mne en .
Tapi kau penah tak terpikir yang orang naik nyirap tgok muka kau tu?

Kau tunjuk EMOSI kau sini sana .
Kau takpenah terpikir ke yg orang pun mampu marah ngn kau ?

Kau kutuk kutuk aku belakang ngn kwan aku sendiri pun .
Kau penah terpikir tak yang kwn aku sendiri tu pun kutuk kau gak.

Kau BODOH la doh . Serious la .
Dgn perangai CHILDISH kau yang tak bertempat tu lagi .
Apa yang kau cuba buktikan ?
That you're the best among the human race?
Weh takde manusia perfect la dalam dunia ni babi oi.
Semua orang penah buat mistake. Whether its forgiven or not je.
Kalau kau rasa kau perfect sgt kau pegi gali diri tinggal dalam gua .
Serious doh memang tempat tu sesuai for your god damn ego.
*Tiru ayat kwn aku yg kutuk kau sendiri*

Manusia boleh berubah in a split second tau tak ?
Apa hak kau nak benci orang yg penah buat silap ?

What a fucking CRYBABY .
Of all the people . Its you we're talking about here.
I feel sorry for you man for being a retard that you are.

Aku bukan nak cakap aku ni PERFECT mcm kau .
Atleast aku takde bawak bawak mulut .
Orang dengki kan ? Camtu la . Mana boleh nak tgok orang lain happy.
Aku admire la kau doh . Seriously man . You're so messed up.
Ever think about that bitch ? Dont think that the world evolves around you retard.
Its not . You're just one of us . No diff from the other.

Get a freaking grip of yourself.
Cry to your mama if you have to.
I dont give a damn . Just make sure that EGO of yours is gone.
Then we'll fucking talk .