Thursday, December 29, 2011

I had a great year

Okay to those who know me would probably know how im a fucking big fan of

errr wait for it,

EMMY THE GREAT ! aka Emma Moss .

Anyway , i was doing this trend on twitter #100ThingsILove
So i tweet and keep tweeting until i got to number 43 .

I tweeted
'#100ThingsIlove 43.@Emmy_The_Great Big fan btw'
Then i stopped tweeting cause i was about to do my maths test.

So i did manage to do the text when i got the twitter's notification .
When i step out of the exam hall and was walking to my friend and check my blackberry ,
This is what i saw ..

Thats right ! She replied my tweets !
You should've seen the look on my face !
I was like screaming and jumping and bouncing .
It was like one of the happiest moment of my life .
That moment right there , is fucking priceless .

Ruff and Im was like , 'kau ni menang duit ke apa ?'

I know to it probably means nothing , but to me .
It was the highlight of the year.
I've been crazy over this musician for years !
I even started a band because she was my true inspiration to write songs in the first place.

Im really blessed . Thank you Emmy . I love you to bits !
Thank You :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Im Innocent I tell you

People get hurt as often as a flower being picked .
It aint easy hurting somebody , you gotta have a lot of courage .

I myself hurt someone before . Okay maybe theres more than one .
Anyway , who havent ?

It is just something that you gotta do .
If it doesnt feel right than it means that things are not right.
Sure people would hate you for it but you gotta remember the reason
that you choose to made it in the first place .
Hopefully that would keep you strong through the night .

Im blessed that i know im not another asshole that keeps hurting people
whenever i choose to .
I am sorry for my actions . That leads me to Sanity .
I hope you can too in a way it would give you satisfaction .

Im Sick

First time demam kat hostel . Waddup ?

Anyway , thats all i gotta say . Good Bye :)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

I think girls are weird

Okay here goes , hello again people .
As you may not know what i've been to these past few weeks ,
anyway that shit belongs to none of y0u so ,

I want to talk about girls . THEY ARE WEIRD .
Well they are . Boys , back me up here .

Nowadays , girls on twitter are pretty much pathetic .
Seriously , i hate to see what women have to turn up to be nowadays .
It is so unfair to us guys . OK maybe im being a little stereotype here but
think about it ..

Dont you think they are getting desperate by days ?
And some of them thinks that the world revolves around them .

Who gives a fuck man ? Seriously , you are really starting to get on my nerves .
And mostly , girls are getting sluttier by the minutes .

Dont expect me to be mesmerize by your cleavage .
Sure they are nice , but i dont think i wanna know you once thousands of guys
are imagining what your boobs look like .

Heck , i might just turn out gay . LOL .

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Im Hype !

What is up motherfucker ?
Okay sorry la jgn terasa kena panggil mofo -__-

Haha anyway just wanna update my blog .
Im here at MMU cyberjaya and this weekend stayback tak balik . GOSH .

So today i woke up and main Fifa 12 for 3 hours . Oh yes i did .
You see i found myself a new addiction . GAMING .

Other than that , we talk about it over and over and decided that we
should cancel the melaka trip because our drummer cant perform on the day
due to his swollen fingers . Kesian kan ?

Feels sorry for you bro but im gonna keep my words and not panic .
Shit !

Anyway , thats all . and to my followers , please know that im still using this blog and im gonna try to update it if possible .


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Im Awaken

Hello people , its me again . Yeah Mirin . Bosan en dengar?

Let me share a warm welcome first .

Okay this is me saying hello or waddup ? No ? No ? Nevermind .

Today i want to talk about HATERS .
GOSSHH such an awful words to begin with .
Lets begin .

I was online and i stumble upon this page that hates people that hang around in

'Pavilion Kuala Lumpur'

Okay what they do with the page is that they would post random pictures of teenagers that happen to be hanging around the mall .
For an example , I'll show you .

Get the picture ? so in the page owner's defense , what the hell were y0u thinking girl?
For the girl on the other hand , she just look like a teenager growing up and trying to find the mean of life. Cant blame her. People really tend to make mistakes like this at this point of age.

Now i just think that these people are bunch of hypocrites .
I actually felt sorry for the people that were bashed by them .
For an example what I've learnt , the would only make fun of people like this .
When it came to REALLY hot girls they would say like 'Aww Comel'

Dude what the EFF ?
How can people be so immature at times and not think of their volatile actions
I mean sure its fun to make fun of people but what if lets say
Someone post a picture of your sister in there ?
Now wouldn't that upset you in a way ?

It would hurt you and you know it yourself for fuck sake .
This girl belongs to somebody too bro . Shes a daughter of a women.
A sister or cousins to someone .

Think about it before KARMA reacts .


Sunday, November 13, 2011

I Lost A Friend

To those who haven't read about Shahmir .
Here are a link to my previous post when i was still at school.

Shahmir's death was so sudden and I never thought he would go this soon .
You see , the hard thing about Shahmir's death was all of us knew this day would come.
He was told to be fighting stage IV bone cancer's for the past 3 years .

It all started when Aizat call me and told me about Shahmir's death was i was in campus .
Weird thing was when i saw my phone was ringing and it says 'Aizat Akhir' is calling .
I kinda knew . That my friend was no longer breathing .

So all of us came home and attend his funeral .
The look on his family's face was horrifying as it is .
These are the people who knew me when i was a little kid till today .
It is not much that we can do except to pray for his well being in the other realm .

All of us shed our tears and some cant took the pain of his leaving .
Vinoth of all people was moaning to me how he had wrong Shahmir and how he would gave anything just to ask for Shahmir's forgiveness .
It ain't easy saying goodbye to a friend . Trust me peeps , it stinks .
To be thinking about all of the things i wanted to say to him .
All the promises that i didnt kept .

I promise him to take him skating at sunway pyramid when he's all well and he never got the chance .
God must have love the boy is what they say and indeed he was loved .

The last thing that i was able to say to him a week before he passed away .

'Shahmir , aku kena balik cyber da ni . Aku nak kau jaga diri kau elok elok Mir . Jgn lupa kitorang semua kat sini sayang kau Mir'

It was as if i knew that was going to be the last thing i could say to him .
I grab his hand for a while and let it go . Then he offered me his hand for more affection .
I will never forget that last moment i had with him . Now all of those are just memories .

Now i would like to dedicate this post to him . And if you guys could pray for him .

There are thousands of words that i want to say to him but if i was given the chance i would like to say .

'Dont be afraid , be brave to find yourself. Dont feel the pain , live through it . Dont regret , you have nothing to feel sorry for yourself . Dont hold it in , let it go and forgive me my friend for not being there . Forgive me for my wrongs to you . Forgive me the promises I didnt kept . Forgive me you weren't given the chance to live like i did . You are strong and i hope to learn from you . Goodbye Mir . This is not the end of us . We will meet again and this is a promise im going to keep okay bro ? I love you . We all love you . Dont you ever not even for a second forget that . Goodbye'


Im New

Hello Strangers .
I've decided to start blogging again and i know its been too long since i left this thangg.
So YEAH . Thousands of apology here . Im gonna try to update my blog as often as i can .
PROMISE . winky winky braahhhh

To start things off . As you knew me , i like to keep it simple without explanation .
So heres are the events that took place since i left you guys .

  • Enrolled myself to Multimedia University Cyberjaya and college life fucking ROCKS !
  • Mom's been sick . She was admitted to the hospital a few times and had an operation.
  • An old good friend of mine passed away recently . Its gonna be the highlight of my life. You can read on how wonderful he is in the previous blog . MORE ON THAT LATER .
  • Broke up with Teha . Now this also gonna be one of the highlight of my life . MORE AND HER LATER
  • Met tons of fucking awesome people in college . We got Salihin , Ruff , Nadzmi , Kamil , Zul , Sarah , Nik , Muni and many more . MORE ON THESE PEOPLE LATER .

Well I think that should be enough to keep you guys occupied .
So do keep yourself updated with the upcoming post .


Monday, May 23, 2011


The other day I was doing this essay for Syaqir ,
he was applying for this scholarship so he ask for my help to do the essay for him
Anyway , while i was writing Syaqir said

'Tapa Mirin , aku make sure aku hiburkan hati kau'

Then he took out a piece of paper and a pen .
This is the outcome

You know what is so funny about this drawing ?
Me and ejoy are horribly drawn and it doesn't show any resemblance.
Mail was suppose to be our friend Syami .
Mail is the name of his father Ismail.

Take a look at this picture and you tell me who does that drawing resembles

Okay Syami is the middle to the right but his father is the one next to him to the left.
If you notice , the drawing really resembles Ismail himself .

Syahmi jgn bunuh aku ok . hahaha

Sunday, May 22, 2011


How sad it is thinking of saying goodbye to your friends ?
Thanks to those who was able to attend to my barbecue party .
To those who cant , im sorry you couldn't make it .

Nazhif is going to Uitm Sri Iskandar Perak the day after the event
and i'll be going to mmu in cyberjaya this coming sunday .
Syahmi , Syaqir and adib are also be furthering their education .
So this barbecue is kinda farewell party instead,
Enjoy some pictures while you're at it.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Old Timess

My sister was so cute back then .
Love you guys <3

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Would you look at this poor women's face ?
This is the face when she found out that shes about to go to college . haha .

Okay so as most of you know , i told people i wanted to do law .
but i changed my mind because law is a really tough course to take.
Most of my friends told me about the dropouts of law .
So instead of doing law , i choose to pursue my studies in Information Technology

I'll do a foundation in Information Technology and a degree in network programming
and work as a intel law officer .
Hey that have something to do with law jugak betul tak ?
Am i smart or what ? HAHA .

My university of choice is .
da da da drum roll pleaseeee .

Multimedia University !
Its in cyberjaya and the place is effing hot ( weather not the social status )
Well daddy did offer me Uitm which is in Dungun , Terenganu .

Dude ! thats kampung !
actually my kampung is in Kuala Berang , Terenganu
haha anyway , taknak study jauh jauh lagipun uitm offers diploma
and im looking for foundation so lagi cepat i can do my degree .
so MMU it is then . Mirul kat mmu , dia ckp mmu okay best bla bla bla

so why dont i just give it a shot huh ? i'll be enrolling this 6th june .
Wish me luck guys !


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My Ten Guilty Pleasures :P

  1. Laugh at people who were humiliated in the public's eyes.
  2. Spend my parent's money on stuff i really really dont need like shoes with the same look just a different colors and smokes.
  3. Play video game until ignores the people around me including my girlfriend.
  4. Prank a friend like when me an Azrul prank Alif with Peter answer :P
  5. Masturbation
  6. Take a shower at 10 pm even though i woke up at 10 am.
  7. Watching porn.
  8. Smoke in my room .
  9. Prank call anybody to think that im from Pizza Hut's Delivery.
  10. A little white lie to make a situation better wouldn't hurt either :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dont act like im that weak .

Dulu time membe control awek gila gila kita carut membe
cakap apa la budak tu bapak sakai tak renti nak trust awek dia langsung .

Now, bila da terjadi kat kita baru nak sadok .
Baru nak pikir

'Sepatutnya aku jaga awek aku lagi elok doh dulu'

Now da terlambat apa dapat ?
what is done is done .
Betul gak what my friends told me .

'Biar perempuan cakap laki kaki curang tak serious bla bla , asalkan
kita jaga hati kita daripada sakit macam kau ni . Pompan
ni satu je , dorang cakap lebih time laki buat salah , lama lama dorang
pun akan buat benda sama and bila kita marah dia ,
dia akan petik balik salah kita buat dulu . Kau igt pompan nak
ke ngaku yang dorang salah ? tak dapat jeeppp .
Relax ah , pompan kau pegi mana mana ada takyah nak sedih la
kita datang nak lepak enjoy kita enjoy . '

Yeah it is true , i just feel so stupid i only see it now .
Fuck up right ?

'Sebab tu nama aku Mirin , toodles :)'

Monday, April 25, 2011

A bitch in the making . yeah you .

First thing i notice when i woke up is my phone cant stop to fucking ring .
Malas nak layan buat bodoh je la ngn phone tu then baca inbox .

Ada karangan bagai bagai . FINE . semalam senang nak setel harini nak bagi karangan pulak .
Best betul . Anyway another suprise was there was a call from Thara .
Wonder whats up with that huh .

Then tetiba tersentap terigt pasal Syahir terus text dia .
Our text goes like this

Mirin : Weh sorry , cakap nak amek result spm kau arini ? da amek belum ?
aku boleh teman kau , aku tak kerja arini .

Syahir : Dah amek da , takda perubahan doh result aku .

Mirin : Ah fuck gila koyak doh .

Syahir : Kaan , haa . takpe la . aku kali ni buat spm betul betul la .

Mirin : Memang susah nak jumpa kau a jawabnya en . Aku boleh tolong kau study bila
bila aku free nanti

Syahir : haa takpa la mirin , aku just pikir apa yang jadi skang ni mesti ada apa apa en .
takpa ah broo .

Mirin : Yeah betul gak , make sure kau blaja betul betul ok ? anggap cam da masuk u da .
stop main main ok da .

Syahir : haa takpa la . kau gerak dulu . haha . aku lambat setahun je .
lekk la . lagi berapa bulan je lagi spm .

Mirin : Membe yang baik tak tinggalkan kwn dia kat blakang . dia gerak satu jalan skali . haha

Syahir : haha thanks bro . apa apa just massage aku ok :)

'Sebab tu nama aku Mirin , toodles :)'

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Stupid Is A Harsh Word Dont You Agree ?

So the other day , lets call myself Mr A , was bored to my pants . Just got back from work and i
have no place to go . So I just dial the one number i know who can cheer my up . Call that dude Mr B .

Mr A : B, bosan ah . jum wayang .
Mr B : Jum Never Say Never
Mr A : Bantai je la

So he pick me up ,Then i ask a question that i dont really want to know the answer to

Mr A : Weh , asal kau suka justin bibier sangat
Mr B : Dia tu satu phenomena dohh .

I swear to god those were the exact same word he answered it .
Anyway , I call GSC , never say never last show 11.15 and now its 11.35.
Shit tada hala tuju balik . So kami pun duduk la dalam kereta depan 7 eleven .

Mr B : A , burger jom
Mr A : function , mana ah burger paling function tgh tgh malam ni ?
Mr B : Oblong selayang jaya !

So we headed there and another coincident, the burger shop was closed today .
time was 2.45 am

Mr B : Weh aku ada idea , jum balik umah kau main ps3 ?
Mr A : Jum je laa .

Sampai rumah , masuk bilik dulu nak main guitar . I just lay down for a while and the next thing i knew , my dad was yelling 'Kau tak pegi kerja ke bangun lambat ni ?'

Woah time flies man . Thank god i ask for leave to my boss on tuesday .

Mr B : A , jum pegi sm , kita beli number maxis baru , kacau kacau orang .
Mr A : Baik juga cadangan mu tu . HAHA jum .

Naik kereta pegi SM pegi maxis center beli number then makan famous amos .
Then pegi entrance nak smoke then Mr B terserempak ngn his beloved ex at cool blog.

Mr B : weh mirin , L*** doh
Mr A : Dia tak pandang kau pun .
Mr B : Nanti mesti dia pandang aku kejap sebelum dia belah .
Mr A : Bet jum dia pandang ke tak .
Mr B : Okay menang sebatang rokok .

The girl paid for her drinks and straight masuk selayang mall .
HAHA i won this time . Meh sini rokok sebatang .

Lesson of the day , when life is not according to your drawing , draw something else to enlighten it . OMG this post is effing lame . Im gonna off now .

Ps, The names were hidden because somebody dont want to mention to the world that he likes Justin Bibier ,

'Sebab tu nama aku Mirin , toodles :)'

Thursday, March 31, 2011

No im sorry but you are not invited in my bed .

Dream number 1

I once had a dream i woke up in the middle of the night
to find buglers came into my home and started to tear the place apart.
The person made my sister cried in front of my eyes .
On top of that , my father was stab right in front of me and there
was absolutely nothing we can do to stop him .

Dream number 2

I once had a dream i was in a car with my mother , and we were driving to
fetch some food for dinner . On our way , a car hit us and we were flapjack
Both me and mum got out of the car but mom was bleeding massively .
Then came a black coated man out of nowhere and shot my mum with a revolver gun .

Dream 3

Once i dreamed I was with a girl who i dont know the name ,
She was beautiful in my eyes and was like an angel to be seen .
Then a man walk by and told me that the girl is his property .
Ofcourse i didnt get what he meant by that at first .
All of the sudden , the girl was living a double life ,
A normal human being at daylight and a prostitute at night .

Dream number 4

I once dream that a family was blessed with a toddler that they had just conceive .
To be given such reward from life is to have their own son after years trying .
Due to the father's bad drinking habbit and a gamble problem, the wife was asked
to give away her 1 month old son to a guy whose going to pay her husband's loan .


I dont know about you guys but those are nightmares for me .
I dont dream of monster or ghost what so ever and im glad i didnt .
Instead my nightmares are indecent tragedy that i wish i never see in life.

Now this may sounds a little bit freaky to you but those men
that stab my dad , shot my mum , make a beautiful girl into a prostitute ,
and took away a baby from his crying mother .

They all have the same face . Most probably the same person .
I just named him 2 days back . I decided to name him Mr Baldi because he's bald .

And you can probably notice that most of my dreams , male are the bad ones . haha
Anyway thats all and im really sorry i havent updated my blog for a while now .

PS , please ignores the picture . it doesnt have anything to do with this post whatsoever

'Sebab tu nama aku Mirin , toodles :)'

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I'll light up your hair using a ciggeretes

In a research , its proven that 90% of girls are into mens that wears pink .

In another research , it is also proven that 90% of men that wears pink are not into women.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Be Free And Be Bas

I cant sleep , so i thought i could entertain you bloggers of some of my past time's photo :)

Syahir and Yo in 2009

Ejoy , 2008

Ejoy , 2008

From the front . Mirul , luqman and Me , 2008

From the front , Mirul , Zain and me 2008

Save the best for last , Mirin and Luqman aka Dang 2007

Cheersss ;)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It Feels Good To Be A Typical Teenage Boy Again And Again

Dear bloggie , i miss you .

Heres whats on my mind ,
  1. Quit my job and temporary unemployed
  2. Daddy wanna send me for a short course
  3. My girlfriend moved to Wangsa Maju and left me all alone here . Sedih kan ?
  4. Trying my best to work out our relationship
  5. Bought a ps3 so i wont be so lonely here without her . YEAY GAMES .
  6. Madly in love with Kimberly Walsh . Shes HOT .
  7. Helping my sister with mengaji everynight . Im so proud of myself tapi takut gak kalau apa aku ajar dia tu salah . HAHA
  8. Looking for a job but nak setelkan lesen and get a car dulu. BACA NI MAMA :P
  9. Lastly , miss my friends and bila dapat spend time ngn dorang sumpah best gila weh .
Heres some pictures of our adventures last night that i've uploaded for you viewers . Enjoy biatchh ;)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pizzzzaa Huuuttttt

Tadi Sir Zhahid buat meeting pukul 12 tadi , then start meeting sir BEBEL BEBEL and more BEBEL .
Pasal kena pecat la bagai bagai . Then selepas 2 jam dia lecture dia bagi satu keping A4 paper and ckpz

Zhahid ; Kertas aku bagi ni tulis nama , waktu , tarikh dan comment anda tentang Pizza Hut Selayang .

So here what i wrote

I Khairul Amirin Bin Bhakhari at 2.06 am on the 22nd January of 2011 would pass a few comment regarding the management of PH selayang .

  1. I dont agree with the new staff meal rules that we would have to reach a certain amount of sale so that we can get our meal .
  2. I would like to recommend the 'Employee Of The Month' system every month .
  3. Tak suka cara setengah staff mengarah minta bantuan buat kerja tapi tak penah balas balik bila kita meminta tolong . Seperti : Abang Zamri , Rahim , Nurul dan Kak Nora
  4. Toilet lelaki tak boleh flush . So we have to clean the toilet tengok najis dan pelbagainya.
  5. Saluran radio ERA yang dipasang amat mengantukkan . Lebih prefer ye Sir :P
  6. Sikap kurang ajar sesetengah RIDER tidak boleh diterima.
  7. Sistem jadual yang disediakan tapi tidak mengikut jadual . Menyusahkan staf untuk bahagikan masa .
  8. Tak suka cuci 'TONG MAUT' sinki setiap minggu . Lebih suka setiap hari supaya tak busuk.
  9. Sikap management yang agak biadap seperti Pukul kepala orang sesuka hati . Tolong cakap elok elok sikit ye Sir . Jangan mencarut .
  10. Saya dan Zulmirul(Ejoy) selalu kena sapu tangga rokok . Bagi syif kat orang lain okay jugak.
  11. Ingin lebih HOURS berkerja , nanti gaji sikit Sir .
  12. Tak suka meeting mcm ni smpai 3 pagi . Orang lain nak tidur gak . Esok kerja .
  13. Nak balik .

haaaaa baca baca :)