Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Im Awaken

Hello people , its me again . Yeah Mirin . Bosan en dengar?

Let me share a warm welcome first .

Okay this is me saying hello or waddup ? No ? No ? Nevermind .

Today i want to talk about HATERS .
GOSSHH such an awful words to begin with .
Lets begin .

I was online and i stumble upon this page that hates people that hang around in

'Pavilion Kuala Lumpur'

Okay what they do with the page is that they would post random pictures of teenagers that happen to be hanging around the mall .
For an example , I'll show you .

Get the picture ? so in the page owner's defense , what the hell were y0u thinking girl?
For the girl on the other hand , she just look like a teenager growing up and trying to find the mean of life. Cant blame her. People really tend to make mistakes like this at this point of age.

Now i just think that these people are bunch of hypocrites .
I actually felt sorry for the people that were bashed by them .
For an example what I've learnt , the would only make fun of people like this .
When it came to REALLY hot girls they would say like 'Aww Comel'

Dude what the EFF ?
How can people be so immature at times and not think of their volatile actions
I mean sure its fun to make fun of people but what if lets say
Someone post a picture of your sister in there ?
Now wouldn't that upset you in a way ?

It would hurt you and you know it yourself for fuck sake .
This girl belongs to somebody too bro . Shes a daughter of a women.
A sister or cousins to someone .

Think about it before KARMA reacts .


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